Technology, medications and adherence

Earlier this year I had a pleasure to meet Maria Wolters at CHI, where she was chairing my presentation session. We both got to the same conclusions about medication reminder apps, albeit from different perspectives (read more about my research and Maria’s thoughts on the subject).

Our research interests nicely complement each other, so we both gave talks about medication management at BCS Scotland Health Informatics seminar. The event was a webcast and was recorded, so if you’re interested in medication adherence and how technology could help people remember their medications, you might find it interesting.

Fun fact: It turned out that my slides in the video also included hidden slides (damn you, power point!), so at times it looks a bit weird (you can view the correct slides here). Oh well, errors happen. One more entry for #errordiary

You can watch the full seminar here:

Or you can jump straight to my part:

~Falka, 29 August 14