
Journal papers, peer-reviewed

Rony, R., Amir, S., Ahmed, N., Atiba, S., Verdezoto Dias, N. , Sparkes, V., Stawarz, K. (2024). Understanding the socio-cultural challenges and opportunities for affordable wearables to support post-stroke upper-limb rehabilitation: A qualitative study. JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies. [url]

Stawarz, K., Liang, IJ., Alexander, L., Carlin, A., Wijekoon, A., Western, M. J. (2023) Exploring the Potential of Technology to Promote Exercise Snacking for Older Adults Who Are Prefrail in the Home Setting: User-Centered Design Study. JMIR Aging. [url]

Stawarz, K., Katz, D., Ayobi, A., Marshall, P., Yamagata, T., Santos-Rodriguez, R., Flach, P., O’Kane, A.A. (2023). Opportunities for Human-Centred Machine Learning in Supporting Type 1 Diabetes Decision-Making Beyond Self-Tracking. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. [url]

Eslambolchilar, P., Stawarz, K., Verdezoto Dias, N., McNarry, M.A., Crossley, S.G.M., Knowles, Z., Mackintosh, K.A. (2023). Tangible data visualization of physical activity for children and adolescents: A qualitative study of temporal transition of experiences. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction; 35, March 2023, 100565. [url]

Valenzuela-Beltrán, M., Andrade, Á.G., Stawarz, K., Rodríguez, M.D. (2022). A Participatory Sensing Study to Understand the Problems Older Adults Faced in Developing Medication-Taking Habits. Healthcare; 10, 1238. [url]

Stawarz, K., Preist, C., Tallon, D., Wiles, N., Kessler, D., Turner, K., Shafran, R., Coyle, D. (2020) Design Considerations for the Integrated Delivery of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression: A User-Centred Design Study. JMIR Mental Health. DOI:10.2196/15972. [url]

Stawarz, K., Gardner, B., Cox, A., Blandford, A. (2020) What influences the selection of contextual cues when starting a new routine behaviour? BMC Psychology. [pdf] [url]

Stawarz, K., Preist, C., Coyle, D. (2019). Use of Smartphone Apps, Social Media, and Web-Based Resources to Support Mental Health and Well-Being: Online Survey. JMIR Ment Health 2019;6(7):e12546. [url]

Iacovides, I., Cox, A., Furniss, D., Stawarz, K., Jennett, C., Adams, A. (2019). Supporting engagement in research through a game design competition. Research for All, 3(1):25-41. [url]

Stawarz, K., Preist, C., Tallon, D., Wiles, N., Coyle, D. (2018). User Experience of CBT Apps for Depression: An Analysis of App Functionality and User Reviews. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(6):e10120. [url]

Stawarz, K., Rodríguez, M.D, Cox, A.L., Blandford, A. (2016). Understanding the Role of Contextual Cues: Design Implications for Medication Adherence Technologies That Prevent Forgetfulness. Digital Health. [url]

Vincent, C.J., Niezgen, G., O'Kane, A. A., Stawarz, K. (2015). Can Standards and Regulations Keep Up With Health Technology?. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 3(2):e64. [url]

Rodríguez, M. D., Zárate, E., Stawarz, K., García-Vázquez, J.P., Ibarra, E. J. E. (2015) Ambient Computing to Support the Association of Contextual Cues with Medication Taking. Revista Mexicana de Ingenieria Biomedica 36(3):193-209. [url]

Orlu-Gul, M., Raimi-Abraham, B., Jamieson, E., Wei, L., Murray, M., Stawarz, K., Stegemann, S., Tuleu, C., Smith, F. J. (2014). Public engagement workshop: How to improve medicines for older people? International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 459(1–2), 65-69. [url]

Archived conference papers, peer-reviewed

Ortega Roman, D., Bartolini, R., Pareja, R., Stawarz, K., Creed-Kanashiro, H. M., Holdsworth, M, Rousham, E. Y Verdezoto Dias, N. (2024) Design opportunities to facilitate tangible play and promote healthy nutrition in low-resource healthcare settings in Peru. Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS). [url]

Ortega Roman, D., Bartolini, R., Pareja, R., Creed-Kanashiro, H.M., Stawarz, K., Holdsworth, M., Rousham, E., Verdezoto Dias, N. (2024). Physical factors that influence participation: Reflections from co-design workshops with Peruvian low-resource communities. The 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. European Society for Embedded Technologies (EUSSET). [pdf]

Ortega Roman, D., Bartolini, R., Pareja, R., Creed-Kanashiro, H.M., Stawarz, K., Holdsworth, M., Rousham, E., Verdezoto Dias, N. (2024). Barriers and facilitators to participation when involving caregivers and healthcare workers in co-design workshops in Peruvian low-resource settings. The 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. European Society for Embedded Technologies (EUSSET). [url]

Rigby, J. M., Stawarz, K. Preist, C., Saeed, A., Stokes, K., Elmi, M., Mohamed, A. A., Michaelides, K. (2023). Exploring the Information Needs of Somaliland Pastoralists: Design Considerations for Digital Climate Adaptation Services. DIS 2023. [url]

Ahmad, S.M., Fuentes Toro, C., Verdezoto Dias, N., Stawarz, K. (2023) Exploring the Potential of Social Robots in Supporting Home Medication Management. In Proc. of BCS Human-Computer Interaction Conference.

Ahmed, S.M., Amir, S., Atiba, S., Jahangir Rony, R., Verdezoto Dias, N., Sparkes, V., Stawarz, K., Ahmed, N. (2022). A Low-Cost Wearable System to Support Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Resource-Constrained Settings. EAI PervasiveHealth. [url] [pdf]

Ayobi, A., Stawarz, K., Katz, D., Marshall, P., Yamagata, T., Santos-Rodriguez, R., Flach, P., O’Kane, A. A. (2021) Co-Designing Personal Health? Multidisciplinary Benefits and Challenges in Informing Diabetes Self-Care Technologies. In Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 5, CSCW2, Article 475 (October 2021). Received an Honourable Mention award. [url] [pdf]

Stawarz, K., Preist, C., Tallon, D., Thomas, L., Turner, K., Wiles, N., Kessler, D., Shafran, R., Coyle, D. (2020). Integrating the Digital and the Traditional to Deliver Therapy for Depression: Lessons from a Pragmatic Study. CHI 2020. Received an Honoralbe Mention awarded to top 5% of submissions. [url] [pdf]

Qamar, I., Stawarz, K., Robinson, S., Goguey, A., Coutrix, C., Roudaut, A.(2020). Morphino: A Nature-Inspired Tool for the Design of Shape-Changing Interfaces. DIS 2020. [url] [pdf]

Quintero Ovalle, J., Stawarz, K., Marzo, A. (2019). Exploring the Addition of Audio Input to Wearable Punch Recognition. Interacción 2019. [url] [pdf]

Stawarz, K., Cox, A. L., Blandford, A. (2015). Beyond Self-Tracking and Reminders: Designing Smartphone Apps That Support Habit Formation. CHI 2015. [url] [pdf]

Stawarz, K., Cox, A. L., Blandford, A. (2014). Don't Forget Your Pill! Designing Effective Medication Reminder Apps That Support Users' Daily Routines. CHI 2014. [url] [pdf]

Stawarz, K., Benedyk, R. (2013). Bent necks and twisted wrists: Exploring the impact of touch-screen tablets on the posture of office workers. British HCI 2013. [url] [pdf]

Non-archived conference papers, peer-reviewed

Bunwaree, T., Stawarz, K., Collins, P., Gould, S.J.J. (2024). How well do people understand work monitoring terminology? Presented at: CHIWORK 2024.

Ramirez Gomez, A. and Stawarz, K. 2022. Socially distanced games: Exploring the future opportunities of remote play. CHI PLAY '22: Extended Abstracts of the 2022 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. [url] [pdf]

Yamagata, T., Ayobi, A., O’Kane, A. A., Katz, D., Stawarz, K., Marshall, P., Flach, P.A., Santos-Rodriguez, R. (2020). Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Type 1 Diabetes Blood Glucose Control. InSingular Problems for Healthcare Workshop at ECAI 2020. [pdf]

Renfree, I., Harrison, D., Marshall, P., Stawarz, K., Cox, A. (2016). Don’t Kick the Habit: The Role of Dependency in Habit Formation Apps. Extended Abstracts, CHI’16. [url]

Stawarz, K., Cox, A., Bird, J., Benedyk, R. (2013). "I'd sit at home and do work emails": how tablets affect the work-life balance of office workers. Extended Abstracts, CHI'13. [url] [pdf]

Stawarz, K., Garde, J., McLoughlin, C., Nicolaides, R., Walters, J. (2012). Silka: A domestic technology to mediate the threshold between connection and solitude. Extended Abstracts, CHI'12. [url] [pdf]

Book chapters

Cherdentseva, Y., Cooper, I., Ivins, W., Jones, C., Jones, K., Knight, L., Loizides, F., Osborne, J., Phillips, H., Stawarz, K, Turner, M. (2021). Enhancing the employability of students through authentic collaborative learning. In The CATE Collection: Together in Collaborative Educational Leadership, Tolson, D., Watchman Smith, N., Irving-Bell, D., Weaver, M. (eds). Advance HE.

Workshop papers, peer-reviewed

Ayobi, A., Stawarz, K., Katz, D., Marshall, P., Yamagata, T., Santos-Rodriguez, R., Flach, P., O'Kane, A. (2021). Machine Learning Explanations as Boundary Objects: How AI Researchers Explain and Non-Experts Perceive Machine Learning. In Workshop on Transparency and Explanations in Smart Systems (TExSS) at IUI 2021. [pdf]

Stawarz, K., Cox, A. L. (2015). Designing for Health Behavior Change: HCI Research Alone Is Not Enough. Crossing HCI and Health: Advancing Health and Wellness Technology Research in Home and Community Settings, CHI 2015 Workshop. [pdf]

Stawarz, K., Cox, A. L., Blandford, A. (2014). Personalized routine support for tackling medication non-adherence. Personalizing Behavior Change Technologies CHI 2014 Workshop. [pdf]

Stawarz, K., Cox, A. L. (2013). How technology supporting daily habits could help women remember oral contraception. Habits in HCI Workshop, British HCI Conference. [pdf]

Extended abstracts, peer-reviewed

Jahangir Rony, R., Ahmed, N., Amir, S., Verdezoto Dias, N., Atiba, S., Sparkes, V., Stawarz, K. (2022). Upper-limb Rehabilitation: Exploring the Physiotherapy Landscape of the UK and Bangladesh. In 9th World Congress of Biomechanics 2022. Taipei.

Amir, S., Jahangir Rony, R., Ahmed, N., Verdezoto Dias, N., Atiba, S., Sparkes, V., Stawarz, K. (2022). Development of A Low Cost Wearable for Upper-limb Functional Rehabilitation. In 9th World Congress of Biomechanics 2022. Taipei.

Stawarz, K., Cox, A. L., Blandford, A. (2016). Understanding the role of contextual cues in supporting the formation of medication-taking habits. Front. Public Health. Conference Abstract: 2nd Behaviour Change Conference: Digital Health and Wellbeing.

Theses and dissertations

Stawarz, K. (2017) Towards better medication adherence apps: Preventing forgetfulness by facilitating the formation of routine-based remembering strategies. Doctoral thesis, UCL (University College London). [url] [pdf]

Stawarz, K. (2012) An ergonomic evaluation of the potential impact of touch-screen tablets on office workers. MSc dissertation, UCL (University College London). [pdf]

Stawarz, K. (2009) Projektowanie zorientowane na użytkownika na przykładzie systemu do rozgrywania sesji RPG online: RPGomat (User-centred design case study of an online system for role-plyaing games: RPGomat). AHE (The Academy of Humanities and Economics), Łódź, Poland.